Accounts Receivable Accounts

An Accounts Receivable (A/R) account is an account for a person or company (a guest/company information record) that has set up direct billing at your property.  Guests can charge rooms, services, and other amenities at the property to their A/R account and be billed for the charges. A/R accounts can be generated using the Accounts Receivable Accounts.command in the Accounting menu, which allows you to enter and maintain all A/R accounts, adding new accounts and viewing any A/R account records already generated in Skyware for your Property. This account screen is very similar in appearance to the Guest Information screen, but the local tool bar on this screen also contains a button specific to A/R account use (a link to the Accounts Receivable Invoices (all) screen for the A/R account).

 Note: A guest or group can have many stays but should only have ONE account record in the system. It is important to make sure an account record does not already exist before creating a new one, to ensure that all relevant information and history you have appears in one place. Any existing account record (usually a Group or Company record) can be assigned as an A/R account using the A/R checkbox and A/R account number field on the General tab of the information screen. Once an A/R account has been generated, it can be attached to stays.




Date Updated November 26, 2024